Save beautiful bookmarks.

Whether you are keeping a personal shopping list, saving your favorite recipes, or planning a trip — jotly is the best place to save all your bookmarks from around the web.

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A jotly board of favorite recipes, with durations and serving sizes listed.
Two jots, one a shirt with the color, size and price; the other a large rentable house with location, number of beds, number of guests, and property highlights.

Make your bookmarks more useful with properties

Properties let you save structured data alongside your bookmarks. Now you can easily see things like how many people a recipe serves, what color shirt you want and which size mirror you're planning for your home redesign.

Collaborate on shared boards

Invite friends, family, or colleagues to share your boards! Work together on building a wishlist for your home, share recipes you love as a couple, or share web design inspiration with a coworker.

A shared jotly board, Home Wishlist, with a jot created by (a pillow), and one created by (an art print).
A jotly board overlayed with a share UI, allowing the user to make the board public and copy the URL to share.

Share your boards with the world

You can easily make your boards public and share everything you've saved with the world. Whether you want to share your favorite products with your friends, share a list of your favorite neighborhood spots with visitors, or share a set of referral links with your audience.

Ready to get started?

You could be building your own beautiful bookmark boards in moments!

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